


  • Chimay Blue 750ml Bottle

    Save an additional 5% on our discounted price
    From $ 17 .99
    elsewhere $21.08 (save up to 14%)
  • Chimay Blue 330ml

    Save an additional 0% on our discounted price
    From $ 6 .99
    elsewhere $8.92 (save up to 21%)
  • Chimay White 750ml Bottle

    Save an additional 11% on our discounted price
    From $ 15 .99
    elsewhere $21.08 (save up to 24%)
  • Chimay Red 750ml

    Save an additional 0% on our discounted price
    From $ 13 .99
    elsewhere $16.99 (save up to 17%)
  • Chimay Red 330ml

    Save an additional 0% on our discounted price
    From $ 6 .99
    elsewhere $8.99 (save up to 22%)
  • Chimay Taster Trio (3x 750ml Bottles)

    Save an additional 0% on our discounted price
    From $ 54 .99
  • SHORT DATED Chimay White (12x 330ml Bottles) BB:30/08/2024

    Save an additional 24.9% on our discounted price
    From $ 78 .99